What is Prayer?

“Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you” (…). I samuel 12:23 KJV.

Let me start of by telling you what prayer is not. Prayer is definitely not reciting some pre-written lines 5 times a day, it is not Psalms 23 or the Lord’s Prayer all the time.

Now, imagine inviting a loved one for a drink, how eager you are to meet the person, how  happy you are when you finally meet. You kiss or hug, you sit and talk, and talk for hours. You talk about how your day went, what you plan to do or not do; you talk about your LIFE.

You might end up laughing or crying on his or her shoulder; you express some sort of emotions as you converse. When you are all done, you say goodbye and promise to meet again.

The same applies to Prayer but this time you can’t see your loved one, not always will He reply in that moment, you will kneel or stand to talk and talk for hours. Cry if you need to, smile, laugh if you feel like.

Go to Him with eagerness in your heart, joyous and why not, sorrowful.
He is your Father, talk to Him as you would to your father.
He is your Friend, talk to Him as you would to your friend.
He is your Lord, talk to Him as you would to your lord.
He is your Master, talk to Him as you would to your master.

Jesus Christ is no stranger. He knows YOU very well, YOU get to know Him very well, by PRAYING.


And you, how would you define prayer?


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