God’s Call To Repentance.

MARK 1:15 and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

My brother/sister, God is calling you today to repentance and to believe the Gospel. He is your Creator, He is your Master, He is your Provider, He is your Father (and more) and He loves you very much. He has earned every inch of you by purchasing you with the precious blood of His one and only begotten Son Jesus Christ and He wants you to be with Him in Heaven for eternity. Sinners will not inherit the Kingdom of God. See, God is pure, He is righteous, He is Holy (He says we should be holy for He is Holy). His eyes cannot see sin, that is why when Jesus became sin on the cross, Jesus said “Father, why have you forsaken me” because God looked away. That is how pure our God is.

GOD WANTS THE BEST FOR US: God only wants the best for us all. “I have set before you life and death, therefore choose life,…” (Deuteronomy 30:19). You see? God doesn’t desire for us to die, for us to perish but Sin will only lead us to death, to eternal destruction. Hell is real! For the wages of Sin is Death (…). Sin won’t take us to Heaven and God really wants us to be there with Him for Eternity. Is it bad for God to tell us not steal, not to kill, not to commit adultery, etc?., is it bad for God to tell us to love our neighbour as ourselves?, Some people instead of this, tend to say, God does not exist, to give them the excuse to take advantage of other people. God is love and He is real. He says it for our own good, for us to live in perfect peace and harmony. You might say, well i don’t do any of these things. O.k, but may i ask you this: do you want to go to Heaven and will you allow a stranger to live in your house forever?.

The same applies to the Kingdom of God. If you don’t believe in Jesus Christ and the Gospel, you do not know God. How do you expect Him to open the doors of Heaven to you?!, He doesn’t know you. In Matthew 12:30, He says “he who is not with Me is against Me”. Unless you repent, believe the Gospel and live the life God called you to live; unless you are seeking His face fervently, you are against Him.

THE MESSAGE OF REPENTANCE I believe you have heard the message of repentance over and over again: Repent!, for the Kingdom of God is at hand, Repent, Jesus is coming soon. But do you really repent when you hear the message or do you go about your life as usual?. I know this message has been preached for more than 2000 years and Jesus still hasn’t come but how long can a human being live? God forbid, but if you perish tomorrow there will be no chance for repentance. You cannot say you’ll repent when you reach a certain age either just because you have no control over that age; tomorrow is not in your hands to grasp. Do not be deceived by Sin, by Satan, by the world, by friends and family. Take hold of today, Repent!, and seek your Creator now that He can be found, call on him while He is near. Amen

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